Whoa Black (And White) Betsy Bam-A-Lam!

Morning furr-ends, both human and kitties alike.


1900 followers on the tweety thing #humbled

I hope you are all well. I do have a tail to tell. In fact I have 2. Oh yes a ghostly tail….


My best attempt at a scary face!

How quickly our lives can change. One minute you are queen of the night and the next… Well, you are still queen of the night but it comes with exceptions.

In my last blog I mentioned my little tumble in the garden. Well the good news is I have fully recovered and am back out patrolling the greens and alleyways that are close to home. I never lean towards wandering too far just in case of emergencies. You know the things that can happen mid stroll. That sudden pang of needing a snack or missing out on the Tuna back home. A new toy entering the house or guests arriving that you can manipulate into sorting out extra dreamies.

I have now been in my furr-ever home for just over a year. I like it. There is always food readily available, cuddles (when I want them), and lots of sleeping places. It’s warm and the staff look after me. So why change all that?.. That was the question I found myself asking just over 6 weeks ago when the rules of the game changed.


Don’t you hate having an extra foot in a pic!

I was putting my sore paw through its paces chasing that damn red light that appears now and again when I noticed the bathroom door was shut AND my litter tray had been moved to the kitchen door. Was there some decorating being done?.. One of my favourite places to ponder the time away was on the bathroom window ledge. Why was that all of a sudden out of bounds?.. I marched straight up to furry dad ( I’m furry, he’s my dad ), and demanded an explanation. When I say demanded I gave him the old head bump tail swish combo and then followed that up with a questioning meow. He just shrugged as if to say you best ask furry Ma.

It felt like one of those awkward father daughter moments when she brings home her first boyfriend, except that I’ve already been a mother and other than a tuxie by the name of Meg (RIP) they had never been parents so if there was a problem he could have just come out with it, not that I would have understood of course. I may have gauged the direction of the topic from the tone of voice,which at least would have given me the heads up.


Keeping an eye on the situation!

As always, when fronted with a question of importance, dad had gone with the simple and less complicated option. Removing himself from the equation just confused me all the more. I mean what the hell was happening here. For the next week or so there was more bathroom secrecy. Doors were opened and closed when I was away from the proximity. I was becoming a little paranoid if truth be told. What made the skullduggery even more intriguing was the use of hooman coding. I honed in as any decent and curious ( don’t say it ) cat would to the hooman conversations and one word consistently cropped up… Bets!

At first I was worried that furry D might have a gambling problem. The bathroom is a fair size but I couldn’t see him running card schools in there or setting up a roulette wheel in the shower. Plus the marble they use for roulette wouldn’t last 5 seconds if I got near it. The thought of playing on a roulette wheel sounds like good fun.


And My ear to the ground for information…

While my curiosity levels had rose my panic buttons had all been pressed and then pushed again for good measure. An empty cat basket lay dormant on the floor by the stairs. My paw however was on the mend and I didn’t recall any discussions being had about my returning to the vet for more humiliating checks. No way was I going back there. So why did they have the basket out?

The endless confusion didn’t stop there either. My food bowls had been moved. I always got used to eating facing away from all the kitchen noise but now my eating vessels were facing a westerly direction. I’d been moved 90 degrees. This is where things became a tad more sinister however. Something ghostly was a paw! … It’s obvious from any of my pictures I’m a classy and graceful tortie specimen. I wouldn’t say I’m a big eater really ,maybe 5 or 6 dips into my food bowls per day plus snacks. Small amounts several times.

Cats normally have a sixth sense and I could feel something wasn’t right. So you can imagine my turmoil when even stranger happenings oppurred. I’d be having a nibble at my food first thing, but then upon my return one hour later the majority of my food had vanished. Not only was there a ghostly presence moving my bowls, this phantom menace was stealing my food. That my kitties is where I draw the line. It continued to happen. I believed that Furry Ma could see my torture, because by way of consolation she then placed another 2 bowls onto the floor to counteract my missing food. Nothing changed. My food levels were diminishing every time I left the room. It wasn’t just the 1 bowl either, it was attacking all 4. One seriously hungry gannet of a ghost!!


My sofa sit-in hunger strike.. IT didn’t last long, I got peckish!

I was being allowed access all areas less and less, I was almost being pushed to go out, which with my wonky leg wasn’t bad news for me but even so… I was in rehab, what if I needed a pick up or open door procedures?

Then it hit me like a cat on a zip wire ( I’ve never seen a cat on a zip wire, but similar to a cat cagooling a roulette table, visually it could be paw-sum!… )… I was being dumped. My furr-ever home was just a charade. They pretended to love me but the harsh reality was I wasn’t good enough. My low self esteem plunged to rock bottom. I hid upstairs hoping against hope this wasn’t happening to me again. I loved it here and I thought a headbump was for life, not just for 11 months of speculative kitty marauding.

After a quick four or five hour power knap I conceded, that I’d lost. More importantly though I was hungry and could whiff the allure of a cheeky dreamy or 3. I was thinking that maybe they were trying to lure me into a false sense of security. You can’t outcun a master of all things cunning. I went down the stairs in a stealth like manner. Treats were upon the bottom step. Easy work. However it wasn’t the easiness of the snack finding mission that surprised me. The cage baskety thing had also been moved.


Was this to be the darkest of days?.. I feared the worst!

The basket was near to the back door, but that wasn’t the pasadoble’ here, no no my furry friends… The plastic casing had something in it, and it was moving!.. Obviously it was time for an inspection, albeit of a careful nature with whiskers at the ready for a swift exit if necessary. Straight jump up through the table and chairs, immediate right, over the coffee table and under the bottom step of the staircase, back through it and up the stairs. Exit strategy sorted. Yep, I could just go round the objects and straight up the stairs but where’s the fun in that!

I got my sniffers up close and personal. I was taken aback by what was laid in the basket. It was a tiny little kitten. Nowhere near as elegant looking as me obviously ( like I said my self esteem was very low ). Black and white in colour, actually she was quite cute. So I was being replaced by a younger model then eh? … Furry Ma ( I’m furry,she’s my mum ), came and sat next to me and gave me a nice rubdown. Gently under the collar, back of the neck.


My Lil Sis! … The ghostly gannet! 😹😹

“Madge” she said, mainly because thats my name and she’s quite clever like that, “meet your little sister Betsy. She’ll be staying with us providing you two get on, but you take priority as being first here… If you aren’t a happy cat, then Lil Betsy goes back”…..


Shhh… #lovethisphoto plus I get 5 minutes peace n quiet!

Now don’t get me wrong, I could see that Lil Betsy was going to be more than a pawfull. There would be times when we fight and argue. For now though, I’m bigger so short term I win those battles. Long term maybe a little quiet company would be nice… If I could teach the little raggamuffin in the ways of Madge all would be well, and I quite like the sound of being a big sister.. Madge’n’Bets has a nice ring to it.  I didn’t know what was ahead of me, and things were certainly not going to be dull around here, but for now I was a truly happy cat!

See Ya Soon

Madge ( ‘n’ Bets ) xxx

PS. When a cats self esteem gets to its lowest ebb its worth pointing out that we still feel ( or on reflection we KNOW ) that we are far superior to all other animals or beings.


Pondering the future… Normal will never be normal again!



Inside Until Fur-Ver Notice!

Hello all furries and kitties alike, it’s Madge here. Remember me?


My vast collection of cushions!

I know I know …it’s been a while. I apologise on behalf of furry dad. He hasn’t really been up to it lately. He’s been REALLY busy apparently. He should try being a cat for a day if he wants to know what hectic is like. What with the running around chasing birds, playing with toys, the constant need to eat, and the difficulty trying to find napping points, I tell you these hoomans have it soooooo easy. It’s lucky I’m not a demanding cat really… Ooh snack break…. Back rub please if you would!… Thank you, now where was I ?

A big thank you to Marc-Andre for allowing me a 2nd guest spot on http://www.katzenworld.co.uk …the furry is working on it as we purr… It’s so not great being a popular kitty. MOL!



I was living the dream, the coconut cream, and then it happened. Since April I have been an indoor slash outdoor cat. Out in the mornings before breakfast, and then out again once the first furry arrives home from work. It works quite well as I get a gander out first thing, a bit of tucker, then a cheeky 9hr knap before adventure time in the early evening. Normally it’s furry dad who is here numero uno. Yep, I’m not just a pretty face, I can meow Italian or at least meow 0 to 10. It’s great if I want to count the number of Italian felines in our street ( zero ), but not so great if I’m trying to help lighten the contents of the local Italian restaurant leftovers…. cafeeeeesh!

Furry D is home roughly 2 hours before furry Ma at the moment. Furry Ma works very hard so I don’t get to spend as much time as I would like with her. On the plus side dad and I get to hang out in the garden ( when it’s not raining of course ). What that means is he hangs out the washing and I get to either explore or find a nice spot in the shade, unless there is a chair available of course. Alternatively I just meow until the furry moves a chair into the shade for me. Well, that is why we have hoomans right.

Ah, so you are wondering what happened .

So, it just so happens that it is catbox day, ( that’s Sunday for those of you not down with the kits ), meaning it’s a  day of rest and all that. Furry dad was first one up. Well, I was the first one up, and it was just coincidence that after a few hops on the bed, a couple of head bumps and some loud purring in the ears that furry D realised he had thrown OUR system out of sync by disrespectfully having a lie in. After a few treats and a nibble at my food however all was well again. The sun was out, the sky was blue. A perfect day for exploration.



The back stable door was opened and I was out, warming my bones. I perched up on the table and studied the lay of my land. it was just me and my paws in the cool breeze. I had a stroll around the back garden, just catching the rays before doing a proper patrol of the alley way back yonder, ( the bit behind my house ). There wasn’t much going on and I thought, when I say thought I mean I know, I could hear a bit of revelry a bit further away in the distance.

I was intrigued of course, but in the grand scheme of things I know my turf. I don’t mind paw to paw combat now and again but like I said, it was a Sunday. Rather than leave my recognised territory I just decided it would be easier to get a better vantage point from which to see what malice was a paw. As nice as the weather was it had been raining the previous evening and so therefore the ground was a little moist. I’m not the keenest of the splashy stuff so I took the fence route.

From the fence first I took a normal 3 metre jump to the rooftop of the empty house next door. Taking into consideration gradient, conditions, wind speed it was a more or less straightforward jump, though I wouldn’t recommend Greg Rutherford ( British Olympic long jump gold/silver medalist ) try it. Still not getting a cats eye view of the furore that was ongoing I concluded that a slightly more elevated position was necessary, and luckily I knew just the spot. Rooftop, my house. Uncertain why I didn’t think of it before, it just meant a quick RFR triple jump. Roof-fence-roof. Again not something I would suggest a hooman try, Thinking about it I might have 2nd thoughts in future. I’m joking, it was the weather that threw me, literally.


House arrest!

As I took off I realised I’d misjudged it slightly. I landed okay, although it was no Tom Daley ( hooman British Olympic diver ), and my back foot went down too hard. This in turn broke off a small piece of wood, which fell to the ground, catching my attention, creating a very rare moment in a cats life. I lost my balance, stumbling a trifle, on what was the narrowest of high beams, thereby creating a domino effect as I too headed downwards. I’m buffing it up a little bit, truth is I fell, and more importantly in the process I damaged the ligaments in my back paw.

I let out a Yelp. Shocked and now abandoning ones curious needs I needed to get back inside. Firstly to let the furries know I was in trouble, and secondly to hide my shame in falling off the fence. I tried to style it out to the back door, but it was no use. My left leg wasn’t working. I was pretty much dragging it along behind me. Us kitties are normally so graceful and elegant. Not this time. I was as graceful as one of those daft d*gs chasing its own tail and looking ridiculous.


Too embarrassed for a photo!.. Have a paw instead!

Thankfully it was only a short drag and I was indoors, although I must have a word with the staff about not polishing the wooden floors so much. I was falling around like a slinky, legs everywhere. Luckily furry dad was alert and spotted the issue straight away. Calling up to furry M he screamed in no uncertain terms ” Quick bring the camera, Madge is all over the shop”. I’m joking, honestly. He picked me up carefully but I still winced and hissed a bit, just to gently remind hm of my delicate nature.

They were due to go to the “Essex Heavy Horse Show” but that went straight out of the rectangular. For the record I should probably point out that as a cat, I consider all horses, handsome though some maybe, to be heavy, so I think a change of name might draw the crowds in a little more if you are reading this horsey hoomans. All things considered that was not top of my agenda at the time. My priority was to stop walking like a donkey  in an ice bath. Yes, yes, it’s a very big ice bath!.


By mid afternoon I was booked in to the local vets, ( emergency appointment but luckily not at emergency expenses ). I warbled nervously all the way, not really knowing what was going on. Was I being dumped again?.. No, not a chance, I’d seen pet food entering the house and these were my furries. They had told me they loved me and were talking stuff about it being okay. I wasn’t completely convinced. My leg was causing me distress and this travelling lark wasn’t doing much for my temperature.

Once my carrier had been tipped a full 90 degrees to remove me from it and after being prodded, poked and stroked by a lovely lady with a not so lovely job title, I was diagnosed with ligament damage to my back paw.  Vets to a cat are like a hooman version of a dentist. We are all fearful of them but by the same token we all need them and to some degree hold a resentful admiration for them. I was still more than happy to get back into my carrier however.


I’m OUT, and Back to normal..then…

There isn’t much more to tell, I had a disgusting liquidified stuff I had to endure, though I did manage to avoid the cone of shame ( unlike some ), but worse still I was under house arrest until a follow up consultation in 2 weeks time. This was going to be a seriously dull and frustrating fortnight…. Or so I thought!… Then my world was turned upside down. My furry parents had decided on having a little Bet….But I will keep that for next time!


I Feel like something is watching me! #LilBetsy

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my blog.



See you soon xxx



The Property Mar-kitty!

Good morning all,

I hope this Sunday finds you well and in fine fettle. It’s a beautiful morning on the Essex riviera. I’m chilling out, doing a bit of hooman watching. The window sill allows me plenty of space to stretch out.


What’s life if you don’t live on the ledge!

So what has been happening I here you ask….

Well I think it’s fair to say that the big news of the last 16 days is that Vicky, my good friend off of Twitter, has finally found a fur-ever home after 2 years of being looked after by those wonderfully lovely hoomans at Keighley Cat Care. Can you imagine the excitement that must have engulfed everyone involved. Vicky has now left Twitter for a simpler life with her adopted furries but I see that as a very small price to pay if she is happy. I would bet my right paw that she is living the dreamies right now. I hope so anyway.

As much as we all may miss her there can be no negative side to any puss finding their eternal dwellings. Of course every cloud has a silver lining, or in this case a shiny white coat, and this shiny white lining is called Snowie. An old sensible head, 8 years young, now fully recovered from having a large abscess on his bonce. Snowie is the new cat on the block looking for that happy home. If you know anyone considering bringing a new companion home then tell them to have a quick look at Snowie.


Nothing going on here, move along!

My humble apologies if I keep Meowing on about houses, homes etc etc… I can’t help it. I’ve had some big news myself. I know there is uncertainty in the country with economic concerns about leaving the EU, should we vote in or out, but I just couldn’t help myself. When I say I what I actually mean is furry Ma couldnt stop herself. Typical hoomans, no self control, Unlike us felines ( unless of course there is a fly around ).

After my furry saw a Twitter post from @Dexter_Elphaba , she simply had to make a purchase. 2 weeks later and here I am In my very own property. Yep I’m in the game and on the housing markitty!… “Madges Mews”. It’s a new build but with lots of character and Victorian features, okay I’m exaggerating a little but…I decided against carpets and went for wooden flooring throughout. Clean lines and a minimalistic look. What do you think?


Rooftop terraces are definitely the way forward!

It’s been newly built three times in all honesty. Furry Dad made it up. Then had to take it apart after realising the back was inside out. His second attempt wasn’t much better after he worked out that the left and the right sides were the wrong way round and the screw holes for the outer staircase were on the inside. Other than that it was easy. He is definitely a theory as opposed to practical person bless him. I didn’t want to deflate him more than I had too so I gave him a sympathetic thank you look and waited for furry mum to come home and build it properly.


“I don’t like to gossip but here’s a tail for you!”…

The furries have just come back from the Island of Wight. They were visiting Rocky and Chippy, two pals of mine. In fairness there may have been a music festival going on at the same time but we all know the real reason for their trip. It was to see the boys. Furry D had a chat with the CPIOW stall ( Cat Protection IOW ) . Nice, hard working people trying to get the message across. Adopting a cat is simply awesome.


Adopt a cat, they throw in a free d*g!

I really do hope this football tournament finishes soon. It makes furry dad so dull I want to dig my claws deep into his leg and meow “OI!… These toys won’t play with themselves you know furry!”…

Remember kitties, enjoy the sunshine and be safe out there ( I’m doing the paw round the eyes thing ).

Madge xx


As the Beatles would sing “Loaf, Loaf Me Do..”



A Ruling On Yulin ( a cat-a strophe! )

There are some things in life I cannot get my head around. I’m sure if I could, I would clean it with the tickly tongue one has. Of course we live in an evolving world. Quite often I hear furry dad complaining about the EU and its laws on the shape of a banana, or the new EU regulations about eggs. In all honesty if my furry wasn’t arguing about these things he would have a bee in his bonnet about something else, trust me.

I’ve got no real idea what he is going on about but I show him the courtesy of listening, or at least I do until I get bored, then I will Wash my bits or have a catnap and pretend it’s remotely interesting. Sometimes I might even just go upstairs and hope that he takes the hint.


Enter a My Timid Rescue cat Look

Just to fill in the gaps, EU legislation states that all bananas and cucumbers should not be bendy. In their infinite wisdom they also decreed that eggs could only by sold in weight as opposed to by the traditional 6 or 12 in the UK. You still buy eggs here in sixes or twelves but it is solely based on weight, and not by the eggs in your basket. So there you go, you learn something new every day… Here’s a tip for you though, never put all your eggs in one basket. Sorry couldn’t resist.

Where am I going with this you may ask. Well at around 3am this morning I was restless. The thing is, I had a lay in until about 7 or 8pm yesterday, so I was full of go-go juice when the furries decided to switch the lights off, and head up to that huge mattress we all share. I thought this was a bit selfish on their part, so after milling around chasing toys, killing insects and being a general nuisance, ( furries words, not mine, mine would be grand ruler ), I decided to go sit on my lookout spot.

Two ways to get to my lookout spot. First, the easy direct way which I would use most of the time. From floor to window ledge in 2 seconds flat. Nice and simple. Last night though I was burning with energy. I decided to go the alternate route. It’s a 3 step manoeuvre.

At 2.55am, being as quiet as one could, or wanted to be, first base was onto the bed. A quick purr in The face of the furries, a swish of the tail, twice just for good measure and then came the 2nd part. A little trickier but no Mount Everest. A jump from bed to dressing table. Across the countless make – up items, after shaves etc.. To the curtain.


Old Pic, Furry Photo Back In The Day!

Then a walk along the radiator behind the curtain and I was sorted. Or I would have been if it wasn’t for the light in the garden coming on as I got there. As a rescue cat, I’m timid at the best of times and it frightened me and so with immediate effect I howled, and darted out of the room as quick as my tortie legs would carry me, in turn nearly bringing the semi closed curtains down with me!

That is how we got downstairs at 3am. My furry was slumped down on the sofa and I thought well while he is up, he might as well make himself useful. A cheeky massage to my back for starters and a bit of P.A work putting my thoughts onto paper.

I started my blog talking about an evolving world, and how I simply don’t understand how some things are allowed to happen. I think I’ve made it perfectly clear in the past as to how I feel about d**s. They walk around following their owners constantly looking for attention.


My D*g Friend Lionel looking double bizzy!

Throw them a stick and a dog will bring it back to you… Well that’s genius, the human wouldn’t have thrown it if they wanted it brought back would they. Or they would have thrown a boomerang to save on the exercise. At least that’s my perspective on it.

When was the last time a dog brought home a nice dead bird or mouse for you humans to play with. Yet what thanks do we get?… However, after saying that, one thing that a dog ( ooh my teeth have gone clammy ), or any other animal for that matter does not deserve is to be sacrificed or slaughtered under the guise of a festival.

While furry dad looked at information on the internet I had to go and lay down. Nothing new there I hear you say. I’m not political ( or politi-cat) in any way but regardless, there must be something that we as a world United can do to stop the babaric and despicable act that is the “Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival” that is to be held in China each year.


Romeo getting some urgently needed shut-eye!

I don’t believe I have the words to explain this torturous event without wanting to start to retch. From the stealing of family pets, over 10,000 this year, to the way these animals are transported, forced in to cages so tightly , some are dead upon arrival due to their inability to breathe. I get more than a furball just thinking about it. It’s possible seeing pictures of this horrific event, that just maybe the dogs that are deceased, as they are thrown from the vehicles at the destination point may be the luckier ones.

I’m shivering. It’s not just dogs either that are savagely mistreated at this lunatic asylum of in humane freaks. Anything goes. I’m not going to ask you to look for yourselves. Believe me no animal lover should have to bear witness to the brutal and vicious goings on at this so called festival.

Personally, even playing devils advo-cat I would go eye for an eye in this case. Round up those behind it and those that do trade there. In fact, if you are implicit in taking part, then maybe a taste of your own medicine wouldn’t go amiss. Pack them all into a caged vehicle unable to breathe, and then trek them 500 miles, stopping every 100, just to confirm they were travelling to their certain death.

The begging and the crying that would be heard is unthinkable and yet, where are the thoughts of welfare and concern amongst those that turn up to this event.

I’ve been asked by a follower on Twitter to add some information. I hope this doesn’t offend any of my followers as that is not the intention. My sole aim is to highlight the atrocities that are taking place at this ‘Festival’. Mainly a link.


You can find out more by searching for the following on Twitter:

#HumaneYulinBoycott #StopYulinForever

I desperately feel the need to end this blog on a positive note but I think anything my furry takes down will take away the seriousness of what I’ve been blogging about.


Why Would Anyone Contemplate Harming Her?

I’m not sure this is positive news but it was good to see the BBC highlighting the animal killer going around in the London/Home Counties area. Finally the word is getting out there to keep your best friend ( or the one that gets you up at night ) safe. Don’t worry, I will let furry dad give me a rubdown before I hit the hay. Just so he knows I love him and furry mum.

My next blog I promise will be out very soon, and will be full of promise and good news… Including my first investment on the property ladder! 😺

Be good ( ish ), and be safe

Madge xx


Thank You All For Reading My Blog. Xx


Anyone for Moët? ( A Good Cause )

Good morning Kitties/Pups/Hoomans/Others? ,


It’s Paw o’clock!


First thing. The title. If we can get @Moetblindcat another 2800 followers before August 1st ( Moëts birthday ) money will be donated to charity!…so please take a moment and follow Moët… ( the cat not the champagne)… Thank ewe!

I thought I’d dictate a few notes to my furry while it was fresh on my mind. You see it’s 4.08am. I heard him mumbling something about having to get up for work. That’s gratitude for you. My bowl is in need of food. My biscuit vessel although not empty is at least below half full. I’m trying to do you a favour here human. You keep my bowl(s) topped up and full before bedtime, I won’t need to disturb you during the night. Unless I’m bored of course, in which case you might as well get up anyway, because this kitty is gonna run those stairs ragged!


If I’m not going out the stairs are getting it!

You see I visualise this two fold. On the one paw, I need feeding. I don’t need cuddling, not yet. I will let you know when I need cuddling. I do however need feeding, so in theory the sooner you feed me, the sooner you can get back to bed, and I can start treating the staircase like a giant treadmill. You may not sleep during this sustained period of playtime but you will be in bed, and it’s all about the compromises right?…. On the other pinkie, the furry has stated his needing to get up. In which case cat logic tells me I’m doing him a favour. On this particular occasion his alarm isn’t set until around 08:00, but, IT IS 8am somewhere in the world. Poor old furry D is just asleep in the wrong place.

I think given that my time is precious, I’m missing out on valuable sleep here as well you know, that the 90 seconds spent swishing my tail and purring by his side on the sofa should be recognised and appreciated a bit more. Furry dad got the whole package. Face to face, one to one, A bit of you and me time. Paws up, slight confession, it was more bum to face, but he does do a good rubdown and that little bit by my tail is just one of those ‘OH YEAAAH’ spots!


That look you get when a rubdown hits the ‘OOOH YEEAH’ spot

We as a family have moved on quite a bit from when I first arrived. I still remember the first time I saw the furries at the Welfare trust. I didn’t really take any notice. They weren’t there to see me after all. The minute furry mum stepped into my cage ( that word makes me shiver ) though I just knew. All I could think was ” how lucky would these hoomans be to have me as their cat and master.”…

There is no doubt that there have been times I’ve been afraid and scared. New noises, loud sounds, clanging and banging that I didn’t, but to an extent now do recognise. Times when I’ve thought footsteps behind me were aggressive, angry paces, thankfully only to find that the furries were just checking to make sure I was okay. Humans unnerve me. I am starting to conquer these fears a little though. I like to explore, and certainly I feel brave and more importantly, safe enough now to venture into the nooks and crevices that previously I had left untouched.


Surveying the wreckage!



I touched on it in my last blog. I’m now an indoors/outdoors cat. I still have parameters that I need to stick too. Furry Dad does this silly whistle thing, even though he can’t actually whistle. I’m sure he thinks I deliberately don’t come back half the time, but in all honesty, it’s because his calling card is like a whistle with no pea in it. Yep, you got it, a silent whistle!.. It’s like he is miming it. Furry mum however. Wow, can furry mum make some high pitched noises. I can hear her 5 streets away, not that I’ve ever ventured that far obviously!

Mainly I stick to visiting next doors garden, they are renovating so there are lots of places to explore. I like to sit on top of the debris and survey the area for presents and presence , ( birds, mice etc etc… ). I’ve not been able to find an adequate gift for the furries yet though. I also had my first evening run as well, although this did seem to cause friction and a search party coming to look for me. I now have a curfew. Furry D keeps on about a maniac on the loose harming animals. I think that’s why panic set in after my first jaunt out into the darkness.


“Do I look like I’m coming down ?”

Big news of the week. We have a new member in our midst. I grant you I’m not the biggest fan of mans best friend ( can only have been a d*g that created that myth ), but this is different. For one thing she is gorgeous. So welcome to the Madge clan little Lola.

Next,  a mee – ooowt to some friends. If you are on Twitter and don’t follow these cute kitties, please go and hit that button. In case I didn’t mention it earlier…

@Moetblindcat needs 2800 more followers by August. If successful some money will be given to an animal charity. You know it makes sense! Money in the kitty, for the kitties!

While you are there, take a min and search out @countessvogue  And @petitepanther .. Both well worth a follow.


Chilling with my furry


Furry dad seems really tired and down. He is stressed about work and the next few weeks on the calendar. Double bizzy hoomans!.. Think I need to go cheer him up with a barrel roll or a loaf!

Keep yourselves safe animals please.

Madge ( outdoor cat 😻😺 )


Towing the ( Fe ) Line!

Morning all,

According to furry dad it is a gloriously early 03:14. There is already a chink of light out yonder and I don’t mind to admitting I’m happy being awake. The thing is I pretty much slept in yesterday. When I say I slept with in, what I actually mean is, at some point I woke up. I had a brief hiatus outside, a nibble at my food, pawned some treats off of furry dad in return for a brief tail swish, and then returned to my newly acquired pillow for a bit of me – ow time.


Halfway through a barrel roll, before retiring to my bed(s).

There are without doubt certain rules which every parent of a fur baby must learn. Whether they learn these the easy way, or in more trying circumstances is optional to the human of course.

I’m not going to sit here, staring out of the window, dictating cat ownership rules to you all. Nooooooo, I’m going to run around chasing a ball of string while dictating cat ownership rules to you all!…


1st rule of NipClub, you don’t talk about NipClub!

There are more than what I will cover but my furry looks a bit drab and tired so I won’t keep him up TOO long. Well, you can’t take advantage much, he has to leave for work in 3 hours and unlike me, he REALLY needs his beauty sleep. I will just press home a few rules that I feel are no – brainers when signing on the dotted line of your cat contract ( a cataract ? ).

EVERYONE knows the first rule of #Pawclub, so let’s move onto a different one, an easy and straightforward one. There are so many to choose from over the 1100 pages, decisions decisions… Ah, here we go…


Great photography as always!

Rule 9: Every furry parent should own or at least have to hand dreamies on draught. If dreamies are only available by the packet ( hooman comparison is alcohol by the can ), then a minimum of 4 different packets, ( and various flavours ),  should be available at all times.


Rule 26: Upon the purchase of toys with bells in them, do not be surprised if we play with these toys… This particular rule has various sub cat-egories such as…

Rule 26.1: Should you as contracted hooman feel it necessary to restrict usage of specific “bell inserted” toy(s) to certain hours of the day, a day constituting 24 hours, Said toy should be visibly removed from what I like to call the “Paw Area”

26.2: Should “bell inserted” toy be found to be within the “Paw Area” during restricted hours then rule 26.1 does not apply.

26.3: If a specific toy cannot be located within the “PA” ( paw area ) during restricted hours and the owner of said toy ( that be me ) , has viable concerns as to it’s whereabouts, (puss can’t find it ), then rule 26.4 takes precedence over rule 26.1

26.4: The owner of said toy ( that be me ), is granted permission to hunt down said toy(s) and to return it to the “PA” therefore giving  full clearance and immunity to those found to be playing with toys between restricted hours.

26.5: All toys should be available at all times. This rule does overrule all other ground rules regarding toys.

seems relatively clear to me.


Doing my kittyloaf!

Rule 684: A cat flap or adequate entrance/exit is a necessity. This will allow your fur – baby ( that be me ), to come and go as they please.

Rule 684.1: Entry must be at least wide enough to accommodate incoming gifts from your fur baby ( that be me ), such as small rodents, birds or frogs.

Rule 684.2: If you leave the back door open late in the evening, you should allow fur baby ( that be me ),  to venture out.

Rule 684.3: If it’s dark, the back door should be left open and treats should be made available upon my return. I should not at any point take blame for sneaking out. It was a hooman responsibility to close door.

Rule 684.4: If required search parties should be formed and sent out to locate me. If I am comfortable in my current position when found you as furry parent should not startle, scare, or pressure me to return. Instead you should return to base and await my return regardless of time and sleep depravation, as I can catch up with my sleep upon my arrival.


Quenching my thirst after my big night out!

Well that’s 4 rules out of the way. Only another 23,000 to go!

I had to exercise my constitutional  right to rule no. 684.4 on caturday. That’s why furry D had an issue with me on Sunday. I went out at 22.50 and it was my first time out in the dark. I didn’t go far. I went into an alleyway  behind our house. I was admiring the view when I saw a flashlight come round the corner.

It was furry dad and the nice people who live opposite us. I was on some rubble from a building that’s being renovated near us so they couldn’t get to me.  I think I got home about three quarters of an hour later. Furry Mum had waited up. That’s why I love her.  She may not be over protective of me but I know she has my best interests at heart. Furry Mum is brill. Then again aren’t all mums amazing!


Collared! Guilty as charged guv!

I hope my kitties are well wherever they are. I miss you dearly…. I think my furry is hinting he wants to go back to bed.. Now where are the rules about hooman sleeping arrangements an times?

see ya all,

Madge xx

P.S.  If you are living in the UK remember to stay safe as there is an animal killer on the loose. Make sure you are indoors with your furries before nightfall. These are scary times… For more info see @ProtectourcatsLDN or @SNARL

that goes for all of you kitties. Be well and be safe xx



The Queen, Prince, & Me

Good morning all, ( it’s 5am ),

So much has happened. The real question is where to start?

We have lost heroes like Prince ( musical genius ), and Victoria Wood (comedy genius ).


I was going to put a pic of the queen here but she ain’t got whiskers!

Prince was a fascinating man. He could play stuff on a musical instrument many a human could only dream about. I grant you, some of it may have sounded like a deeply troubled animal screaming after having its tail trodden on but even so…

The queen has turned 90!.. and while I’ll never be her biggest fan even I must applaud her for reaching the grand old age of 90. She must take ALOT of catnaps.


No furry, you ain’t going anywhere with this bag!

The biggest and best news though I have saved for last. Not only am I now officially an indoor/outdoor cat but I was “Tail of the Week” courtesy of the great site ran by @Riley_van_Pelt .

http://www.lifeofapelt.blogspot.co.uk is where you will find Riley. Or possibly http://www.lifeofapelt.blogspot.ca .The site has some very funny pictures and a great story for each “TOTW”… Did I mention it was me last week?


You’ll never guess who that is! Thank you Riley 😻


I should clear up a topic of confusion. Me calling my parents my furries. My furever home staff ( they prefer the term parents but we all know right…) are both relatively clever. Furry mum may be a tiny bit more intelligent than furry dad. Furry dad normally feeds me and let’s me out though so he gets the tail rubs.

It can be a little awkward at times when he is following me around the garden though like my guardian human. Now and again, a cat needs privacy. When I’m washing ( and stuff ) I don’t want a stalker taking photos, even worse, bad photos!.. I’m not an unattractive cat and yet somehow furry D manages to take some terrible pics. Pull yourself together human!


This human is the back door, and you need to open it, NOW!


Anyway, furry mum worked out that in theory, I am furry ( I can confirm this to be true ), and they are my parents ( this is debatable, some, or more importantly I, would see them more as servants but if they believe it too be true and it makes them happy and give me a rubdown then let’s go with it ),….  and so as the parents of a patient, want for nothing ( stop laughing ), angelic, bundle of fluff, furry mum declared that they are my furry parents.

Just for the record, I don’t call them my furry paw-rents because they look like woolly mammoths with hair down to their ankles. If they did, I’d still love them though, providing they fed me treats, my dinner and played with me a bit. I’d just call them my woolly paw-rents!

Believe me, once you have them fully trained they are actually quite lovable. Of course like any hoomans they have their faults. When I am purring in their ear and meowing at 2am in the morning, it’s not just for the sake of it. Okay sometimes it is for the fun element, but normally it’s only for their benefit. They need to top up my biccies or my tray needs sorting.

I don’t mind throwing it out there that telling a wanting feline to be quiet when she is hungry is most definitely not the way forward. Get up, sort my food out etc and everyone’s happy. Alright not everyone, but I am… Don’t make me give you those eyes!…If I don’t keep them in shape and on top of it who will?


That garden lark is hard work!

Another issue I have with my furries, it can be tiring strolling round the garden like a queen, so after my expedition outside I like to get my head down, catch up on some much needed headrest. They have no no appreciation of this. They walk through the house, opening and closing all manor of doors, AND they have the audacity to put the TV on!… I’m trying to get my 20 hours in here!

In case we have some doubters in our contingent, here is little old me soaking up the sun!… I must confess though I’m not overly keen on the collar. Furry Dad keeps calling me jingles, which makes no sense at all by the way because it has a bell on the collar. Shouldn’t he be calling me bells? Or dingy? Humans are a funny old species.


“You put your right paw in….”

Did I mention I was “Tail Of The Week” on http://www.lifeofapelt.blogspot.co.uk …..

off the record, and don’t tell anyone, I think I have a fetish for shoelaces… Talking of which I spy with my little eye something beginning with S… So I will love you and leave you with this…


Oh yes shoelace, you will be mine!

if a feline has to have an X-ray, is it called a cat scan?.. Sorry heard furry D say it. Forgive me, actually forgive him, now where’s that shoelace?

Be well all, and most importantly stay safe.

Madge xx





He (she?) Lives Among Us!

Afternoon all, Madge here.

Just a short message from me, about the dangers we face out there in society. Admittedly it’s not my usual cheery upbeat blog about waking humans up at 3am for some tuna or rambling on about how I tackled furry Mums work bag. That’s later!


PLEASE READ ( ignore the dreadful photography )

No, for this I need my serious face on.


My Poker Face!

Before you say anything, that is my serious face. I can’t help it if I was born cute!

I just wanted to focus on the point that there is a cat killer out there. It could be in the Capital or anywhere within the surrounding counties. The attacks are spreading and people are losing their small bundles of fluffy joy because of some vicious ******* ( begins with an S and ends in bag, but I am trying not to lower myself ).

The point of this is that someone somewhere knows who this person is!.. There is a depraved animal murderer walking among us and to avoid anymore of us getting caught in the crossfire of this dark and twisted psycho we need to heighten the need for safety first amongst cat owners while these disgusting acts continue.

The great work being done by the likes of @ProtectourcatsLDN and @SNARL need to be followed up by multiple tweets/and FB posts so that the word gets around. Please read this and spread the word on FaceBook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms you can think of. Better still, pass it on vocally by word of mouth!…

We need to catch the culprit, and ideally tie them up and cover them in catnip. Hopefully they will be allergic and suffer a nasty fate.. Or better still tie them up and put them in a room with the owners and a medicine ball.


I don’t want to go round like this but…

For now though until the evil wretch is caught we MUST consider the safety of all cats, not just our own. Let’s not give them easy targets. Please do all you can to protect the cantankerous and temperamental ( C.A.T ) , get it?


This is how I wanna roll ( or eat grass anyway )

Thank you.

Madge X

Whales, Tails & A Visitor

Hello all,

Hope this latest blog finds you well. I’ve now been here 7 months believe it or not. It can be a little noisy at times, and they could be a bit more forthcoming with the Dreamies, but other than that I’ve got no complaints. My furries are still on my training programme. They will learn though, oh yes they will learn.


What’s life if you don’t live on the ledge!

I’m dictating this to furry dad while pondering life on the window ledge. It’s 4am in the morning, but you know what it’s like. You get some artistic thoughts in your head. It’s best to get them onto paper while they are alive in your mind… Plus I was hungry so he needed to get up anyway.

I was thinking how dangerous the world is out there for us cats. Not just the whole being asleep on a car engine thing or underneath human transportation but in general. We like to mark our territory, which normally ends up in a clawing match. We love teasing the life out of  d**s.. ( excuse me I’ve got a furball saying that )..


We know how dopey they can be, as we sit there on a 1 inch thick fence showing off our balancing skills basically taunting them. Their tongues sticking out dribbling everywhere, making that ridiculous barking sound. We do now and then forget how fragile and tenuous our position can be.

They might not be the sharpest tools in the shed but they can be quick on their toes when let off those chains.. It’s like humans playing a game of dare… Just a fraction closer…then you are too close…. Time to get those little legs going!.. You can feel the wind of the bite on your tail!.. Is that like self harming?

Speaking from experience humans can be cruel. Not all obviously. I’d would say 95% of humans are animal lovers. The rest scare me with how far they are willing to go to hurt all animals. The slaughter of Whales. Slaying of elephants for their tusks. What is wrong with these people?  Couldn’t they just get a job in Starbucks for Christ sake.

I can never understand how a human being could be callous enough to throw unwanted animals into a bag and then drop them into a canal. Worse still to undertake the needs of the animal and then simply to neglect it. Why take the animal in in the first place?.. The people that breed animals to fight. I make no bones about my dislike of the other side but that is just evil. It sends shivers up my spine.

i thought about this after we had a visitor. Below is Romeo. He’s as tough as they come. A real street cat. If ever I get into trouble with the feline police I know where I will go for advice. Romeo has been through it all. Thankfully he now has a good home with loving parents, but when he arrived, he was torn up real bad. His head had a big gash in it. He was bleeding from the mouth and was limping. He had a severe laceration on his leg. He’s a huge cat. Twice the size of me. His paws were like oven gloves!


Romeo -he don’t cook but he’ll mash you up!


After countless vet visits ( and bills to make your eyes water ) Romeo is now a chilled out cat who has the odd tendency to have a pop. He was laying next to furry dad,happily getting a bit of attention. Next thing you know he is on his haunches throwing a left and a right at my furry parent!.. Apparently, he has a look, if he gives you the look back off… Furry dad didn’t know that look, and had the scratches to prove it. What did he expect? you can take the cat out of the street but…

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog.. Would like some feedback if you have time.. If not then, no problem.

Take care all, be back soon. It’s my birthday next week

Madge xx

Where’s The Kitty Gone?

First of all, Happy Mothers Day! .. I’m a mother myself, or I was. Somewhere out there now are my three kittens. I don’t know where they are but I hope they are well, safe, and loved. That’s all I can ask for. I had no real choice in the matter. I gave birth to them at the rescue home. They were beautiful little bundles of fur. I will never forget them. I hope they know that.

The title although apt considering what furry dad has just copied down for me was going to be about my favourite hiding places. I like to think of myself as a bit of an explorer. I hold my paws up that the crockery cupboard was a step to far, but at the time I had only been here for 2 days and I was nervous. I was actually petrified. It was a scary time for me having already been moved 3 times in my 18 months on this mortal coil.


What ? I’m naked!

Furry Mum, showing none of her now nonchalant attitude towards me was looking everywhere. There was panic in her eyes and fear in her voice as she checked under the bathroom cupboard and then the dressing table in the bedroom, continually calling my name. It was only when the plates and cups started to rattle in the kitchen that my hideaway was discovered.

These were my early doors comfort zones. I had no idea who these humans were!.. Could I trust them to feed me?..stroke me?.. Most importantly of all protect me?.. It turns out now that the answer was a resounding yes, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. I now have other little spots that I lay claim too.

My favourite place is my wigwam. It’s upstairs away from the noise. If we get visitors it’s my little place of serenity. I go there if small people turn up. I’m not a big fan of small people. I think what happened to me in the sunrise of my life means I tend to treat every stranger with the same amount of trepidation.


Yep, that’s my happy face!

I spend a lot of my time under the dinner table. The cushions are soooooo comfy. It’s dark enough for me to get my 15hrs in and far enough away from the noise of the TV. If either of the furries want me they know just to pull out the chair gently. The extra bonus being that normally 4 chairs equals 4 cushions so I’ve got a bit of choice. Decisions decisions!

This is a short blog. Dedicated to my kittens, and my furry mum.  I do and will miss them for every minute I breathe through my tiny little nostrils. I hope they are somewhere with plenty of toys , lots of food, and bundles of love…I think it’s fair to say I am. I just wish they were with me, but as a cat, especially a rescue cat, you don’t get to make that choice. I think about them everyday.

Happy Mothers Day to all of you

Madge xx